April 21, 2023

It’s Friday and the store is finally looking like a retail space. But don’t look behind the counter as you will see computer cord disarray and bags with logos on the floor. The third inspector of the day showed up while we were organizing the computer stations and, I have learned, we are NOT supposed to be in the building when inspectors are there. So, we dropped everything and ran out the door as if we planned on going to lunch right at that moment. 😊

The mailboxes were installed into the walls and now the area has less debris which makes this organizational fool so happy. Ashley, the only new employee I hired, worked on organizing the mailbox keys while Chloe, my daughter, and Taryn, her bestie from Seattle, worked on what they are going to train us to do next week since they both worked in this industry up in Sammamish, WA for the last 2-3 years. While I may be the project manager, those two are the ones who know how to run this show, and while they are still young, I completely trust them to help me make this business successful and fun.

We are so close to the open date (crossing fingers for first week in May) and we are all so excited. You should see the fun items for the gift shop. We have been having such a good time choosing these things and can’t wait to set it up next week. We are worried that we do not have enough inventory to make the gift shop area look complete, so we are on a buying spree right now. If you know me, this is so not like me to spend money with such abandon (not really, I do have a budget), and I have gotten to the point where I say, “Oh well, you need my credit card number? Sure! Need more slat walls? Sure! More computer cords? No problem! More data ports? Of course!”

As I write this, I am frankly quite tired. I think about this business non-stop and I can’t wait to share it with our community. That will be my favorite part of this whole thing… meeting all you people I haven’t met yet. Meet you soon! TGIF.


Inspectors…Serenity Now!

