Inspectors…Serenity Now!

May 3, 2023

I am going to try to have an “Oh Well” attitude while I write this, but I really feel @#$#!%#! We were all ready to be signed off on the construction when the inspector who was looking at the new ceiling grid (which passed inspection) suddenly decided to check out the bathroom that had been approved the week before by a different inspector. Next thing we know, we have to move a door for code reasons and delay another two weeks. 😑

It seems to me that if the county approves a section of the build-out and decide it needs to be changed later, THEY should suck up the cost for not catching the doorway code before we finished the whole bathroom. Of course, now we had to also move the network panel and HVAC thermostats all costing additional money and supplies out of my pocket.

Let’s now look on the bright side: it has given us time to make sure all the little details are taken care of. FedEx may take a while to set up our account, I have been warned, so it has given us time for things like that. I am also still waiting for the LiveScan Fingerprint machine to show up and hope the universe did these delays so that everything is ready for us when we finally freaking open!


When It Shines,It Shines!
