Excited and Scared

Dichotomy: a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different

We are weeks away from opening this business that we dreamed of two years ago while my youngest was a junior in high school, but still in remote school because of the pandemic. I am so ready for the store to be open and also sort of freaking out at the same time. How can I have both of those feelings at the same time?

During the planning of this idea, when we still lived in Seattle, I was confident it would be a success. I don’t know how I knew, or even how I was going to do this since I had never built a brick-and-mortar business from scratch, but I knew it was going to be great. Today, I still have that feeling. This business is going to be great and fun and exciting and successful. It is also one huge learning lesson, and when things go differently than planned, I have had to say, “Oh well,” a heck of a lot.

This journal is going to allow me to tell our journey as well as share the ups and downs of building Arden Dispatch. I am so freaking excited!

…and freaking out. 😂


Waiting and More Waiting